Generalised Anxiety and Panic Attack Relief
This is an 8-week programme designed to provide relief from Generalised Anxiety and Panic Attacks
What does Generalised Anxiety look like and how do I know I have it?
Everywhere we go we hear about someone being affected by anxiety.
Some people's lives really seem to be run by these persistent worries.
There may be some people (like me) who have thought they have no anxiety at all because some of the symptoms are not commonly known to be linked with anxiety. The fact is, we all have anxiety, it is our body's natural way of keeping us safe and motivated, when anxiety is regulated our emotions are regulated and we feel ok, it is only when anxiety gets out of control and overwhelming that it becomes disordered, our emotions become unregulated and we may need help to regain control and regulate ourselves.
Anxiety disorders are the outlets that work to protect your emotional brain
Some of the anxiety symptoms may be:
constant tiredness
muscle tension (stiff neck, tight shoulders, clenched fists),
poor concentration,
depression, confusion,
high blood pressure,
back and other body pains,
irritable bowel syndrome.
Some common underlying fears may be;
fear of death and disease,
fear of losing control,
fear of failure,
fear of rejection and abandonment,
fear of not being able to cope
How does Anxiety become a disorder
Adverse life experiences (ACE's) generate uncomfortable, negative feelings and emotions, if these go unattended to and unprocessed the negative effects of them accumulate over time, this means your body will struggle to function or repair itself, toxic stress is produced and you will become overwhelmed and at dis-ease. When there is overwhelm and dis-ease the emotional brain seeks to relieve some of it by creating an outlet, this outlet is essentially an anxiety disorder.
In essence, anxiety disorders are outlets for expression of repressed negative emotions
What do Panic Attacks look like?
Panic attacks involve sudden feelings of intense fear that happen without warning.
These attacks can happen at any time. People experiencing a panic attack may believe they are having a heart attack or they are going to die, it can be very distressing.
The fear that a person experiences during a panic attack often has no noticeable reason and may be unrelated to what is happening at that time. Panic attacks may last around 3 - 10 minutes at a time.
It is common for panic attacks to develop in late adolescence, often before the age of 25 years, panic attacks have links with anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia and social phobia.
Common panic attacks symptoms may be:
shortness of breath,
chest pain,
heart palpitations,
abdominal pain,
feeling faint,
shaking and trembling,
numbness or tingling, in fingers or toes,
hot and cold flushes,
fears of dying or losing control.
The 8-week programme
What is included in the programme?
This programme takes you through recovery steps specially designed to treat generalised anxiety and panic attacks.
Although it can be completed in 8 sessions we always work at a pace you are comfortable with therefore, some clients may require a few more sessions
We begin with some psycho-education (looking into how your brain/body system works) so that you gain an understanding of anxiety and panic attacks, we find this forms a good base for the recovery steps.
The first step of the recovery programme will be exploring your experiences of anxiety and/or panic and identifying your anxiety outlet/s, there may be more than one although there is usually one that is more dominant which is the target outlet that we begin with; often once the dominant outlet is overcome the less dominant ones weaken and may need little or no work.
Now we've found the target outlet we continue further steps to help you transform your life as we work together to help alleviate the symptoms of overwhelming anxiety and panic attacks by working through and releasing repressed negative emotions through a range of therapeutic techniques including guided imagery, we may offer creative techniques to express and explore experiences .
We work together to eliminate the anxiety condition (target outlet) and relieve it of its protective duty which in turn will mean anxiety will be at a natural healthy functioning level and panic attacks will cease or be manageable.
Throughout the programme, you will be in control, although the therapist will lead the sessions and follow the programme if at any time another intervention, or repeating a step is felt beneficial for your recovery we will discuss it.
We will be constantly reviewing progress as we go along so we know you are comfortable and heading in the right direction towards your transformation.